Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Beograd
In the second half of the forties of the last century, under the leadership of Dr. Jovan Tucakov, then an assistant professor in the subject Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy Department of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, numerous research excursions were organized with the aim of studying and collecting medicinal plants, in all parts of the country at that time, where, in addition to students, of pharmacy in their final years, team members were also students of the Faculty of Biology, Agriculture and Forestry, Medicine and Veterinary Faculty. Accordingly, and on the initiative of Dr. Tucakov, in 1948, the Institute for Medicinal Plants Research of the People's Republic of Serbia was founded. Dr. Jovan Tucakov was appointed as the first manager of the Institute, who remained in that position until 1973, and as his associate until the end of his life (in 1978). The Institute was founded by the decision of the Government of the National Republic of Serbia, V.S. number 325 of May 25, 1948. "Based on Article 79 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Serbia, and on the proposal of the President of the Committee for Scientific Institutions, Universities and Colleges, the Government of the People's Republic of Serbia passes a Decision on the establishment of the Institute for Medicinal Plants Research. The Institute's seat was in Belgrade. The Institute was established in 1951. founded his journal Lekovite sirovine, which, with occasional interruptions, is published to this day. The first editor was Dr. Jovan Tucakov. On August 2, 1952, "The Institute for Medicinal Plants Research in Belgrade, established by the decision of the Government of NRS, V.S. 325 of May 25, 1948 (Official Gazette of the NRS, number 30/48) ceases to operate. All the property and personnel of the Institute were taken over by the Medical School in Belgrade for the needs of the Institute for Pharmacognosy of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade. "After the abolition, the Institute did not stop working, but, not long after, became an institution not with budget but with independent financing. The Executive Council of the People's Republic of Serbia passes the Decision on the establishment of the Institute for Medicinal Plants Research as an institution with independent financing. Harmonizing its activity with in accordance with the current regulations, the Institute carried out another registration in 1974 (Official Gazette of the SFRY, number 43/74). of its reproduction material, production of essential oils and other plant derivatives, sale of teas and medicinal herbs to working organizations, legal entities and individuals.The integration of the scientific and professional service in SR Serbia was completed in 1976 with the accession of 15 more working organizations of the professional service (Institute of Agriculture).
Due to the integration of scientific and professional services, it became necessary to change the name of the joint company, and thus RO Center for Agricultural Research, with its 12 OOURs until then, received the name RO Center for Agricultural Research and Development of Agriculture in Belgrade. 27 OOURs were united in the new work organization (Fi 4370/76 of November 15, 1976), and one of those OOURs is still the Institute. On that occasion, the members of the Center changed from the status of OOUR to the status of Working Organization. In accordance with the process of that transformation, the Institute received a new name supplemented by the name of Dr. Josif Pančić, so that since then it reads: RO Institute for Medicinal Plants Research "Dr. Josif Pančić" in Belgrade. The consent for the Institute to bear the name of Dr. Josif Pančić was given by Ana Pančić, whose statement reads: "I agree that the mentioned Institute bears the name of my distinguished ancestor, prominent scientific worker Dr. Josif Pančić. Entering his name in the full name of the company, i.e. the Institute, is an honor and to our science and the descendants of Dr. Josif Pančić. I make the above statement in the capacity of the only living descendant of the scientist in the direct line as his great-granddaughter". The person giving the statement, s.r. Ana Pančić, in Belgrade, February 17, 1978. The next change in the status and name of the Institute took place in 1986, when the Institute became an Institute and again became an independent institution. In the field of agricultural research, the Institute continues work on the selection of medicinal and aromatic plants for the purpose of creating new varieties, determines optimal agrotechnical norms for their cultivation in plantation production, with the aim of providing the required plant raw materials as cost-effectively as possible. The retail sale of institute products was still carried out in the herbal pharmacy located in the administration building of the Institute in Belgrade. The main activity of the Herbal Pharmacy is the sale of products and preparations of the Institute intended for the maintenance of good health and the treatment of minor ailments and diseases. Over time, the scope of the Pharmacy's work increased, and it was thought about opening another pharmacy. In May 1997, a large herbal pharmacy of the Institute was opened at 33 Braće Jovanovića Street in Pančevo. Nataša Karavla, a graduate pharmacist, was appointed as the head of the Pharmacy. In the period from 1998 to 2008, when it comes to organizational changes, the Institute entered calmer waters. Since 1997, the Institute has published a series of monographs dedicated to a specific medicinal plant species. By 2008, five monographs were published (chamomile, tame mint, sage, St. John's wort and St. John's wort). In 2006, the Institute adopted the Program for the Development of Scientific Research Young People, based on the Law on Scientific Research Activities. In the period from 2008 to 2018, several documents were adopted that are important for the work of the Institute. The second accreditation of the Institute was carried out in 2016 (section no. 304 of March 22, 2016, according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Committee for Accreditation of NIR Organizations). In the last ten years, according to the adopted investment plans, work has been done on the construction renovation of about 3.000 square meters of work space in the Production Sector. In the tea processing and packaging plants, a sanitary block with an area of 150 square meters, a wardrobe for workers (for about 50 people), storage rooms and a canteen, as well as two stairwells that allow proper (hygienic) access to the production plant, were upgraded, which is one of the basic requirements of the HACCP standard. The premises of the processing plant were equipped with a modern dust removal system, which significantly improves the working conditions of the employees. Office buildings, a warehouse for finished products, and an office for the Extracts Production Department were built.