  • Institute “Dr Josif Pančić“ |
  • Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Beograd

  • 011/3031-650

The Institute carries out its original activity through scientific research work in the field of pharmacy and agronomy in medicinal plants, but the production process and commercial activity are equally important.

Today, 22 doctors of science and a larger number of junior researchers study the pharmaceutical, agronomic, chemical and biological aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants primarily from our area. Scientific research activity at the Institute is carried out through national, international and internal scientific research projects.

Scientific research work in the field of pharmacy includes the investigation of the quality and resources of wild plants as well as the preservation of heritage through ethnobotanical and ethnomedical studies. In addition, chemical analyzes of plants and their extracts are carried out using modern analytical methods and equipment, as well as testing of biological activity in order to confirm the effect of plants used in traditional phytotherapy, but also in order to find potential new medicinal plant raw materials. Research in the field of pharmaceutical technology includes the selection of optimal galenic forms and auxiliary substances for incorporating active ingredients in order to achieve the best quality, efficiency and stability of the product. The knowledge gained from these researches is the basis for the development of new products of the Institute, which expands the product range, improves competitiveness on the market and makes medicinal plants available to the general public and consumers with the application of the latest knowledge in the field of modern phytotherapy.

Through numerous external and internal projects in the field of agronomic research, the possibilities of improving the technology of growing medicinal plant species that are traditionally produced in Serbia are examined. Through the selection work of researchers, varieties (populations) of medicinal plant species are created, which are maintained and whose seeds are multiplied in the Institute, and are grown all over Serbia and beyond. In addition, the technology of growing plant species, the cultivation of which was not known until now, has been established. In addition to introducing new species into production, research agronomists are currently studying the effectiveness of modern agricultural methods in the cultivation of medicinal plants, especially in weed control, as well as methods and techniques that can be applied in an organic model of cultivation that is carried out without the use of pesticides and synthetic mineral fertilizers. .

The general public has been recognizing the Institute for its production and market activity for decades. In the production sector, plant production, drying and primary processing of plant raw materials and the production of essential oils take place, thus providing raw materials for our own pharmaceutical production of plant preparations.

On the plots of the Institute, according to the rules of good agronomic practice, chamomile, tame mint, lemon balm, sea buckthorn, buckthorn, flax and others are grown. Some plant species that require different soil conditions for cultivation, or for other reasons cannot be provided in sufficient quantity by own production, are also provided through cooperative production with experienced growers from different parts of Serbia. In addition to cultivation, a significant number of medicinal plants are obtained from spontaneous flora, and are purchased from collectors from Serbia and the region.

The products of the Institute, based on about 120 medicinal plant species, contain only raw materials of known origin and are produced under the supervision of experts, pharmacists. Pharmaceutical production is carried out according to the principles of modern pharmaceutical technology, while respecting the current legal regulations in Serbia. The production is organized according to the requirements of the quality standard ISO 9001:2015 and the HACCP system and provides all conditions for the production of safe, efficient and quality products.

The product range of the Institute includes the following groups of products:

  • Herbal teas (single component teas, herbal tea blends and filter teas)
  • Herbal drops (tinctures and extracts)
  • Dietary supplements
  • Products based on honey and other bee products
  • Semi-solid pharmaceutical preparations for application on the skin
  • Cosmetic products

The placement of institute products is done through sales to wholesalers in the country and abroad and through our own herbal pharmacies. In addition to these, online sales represent the third important sales channel. The domestic market currently accounts for 80% of the total turnover, of which approximately 10% is realized in our own pharmacies, and the rest can be found in all well-stocked pharmacies throughout the country. About 20% of the total sales are exported, predominantly to the countries of the region (B&H, Montenegro, Macedonia), but there are also deliveries to the USA, Australia and other countries. From year to year, the Institute records sales growth and an increase in market share.

A team of experts (pharmacists and medical doctors) from marketing works on the promotion of institute products, the creation of propaganda materials, prospectuses, advertisements, radio and TV spots, the organization of appropriate events and manifestations and other forms of communication with the general and specialized public.

Through its herbal pharmacies, one in Belgrade, which started operating more than 50 years ago and was the first herbal pharmacy in the city and the other in Pancevo, the institute's products are sold directly to patients. In addition to sales, a counseling center has been established in our pharmacies, where interested users of herbal therapy can receive a competent recommendation for optimal phytotherapy from our experts, based on the medical documentation provided. The aim of the counseling center is to educate patients on the rational use of medicinal herbs and herbal preparations, as well as on the adoption of healthy lifestyles.

The institute has 154 employees. Cooperation of all sectors, correct relations with business partners, application of top scientific knowledge and skills in achieving high quality products and services, are the basis of the development of the Institute and the main elements on which it bases its business success. Knowledge, skills, abilities and extensive work experience have been incorporated for decades into the Institute's products, which today are synonymous with high-quality, effective and safe herbal products.

The vision of the Institute is based on the postulates from the period of its formation and development, when it was conceived as a unique scientific-production entity, and business activities are directed towards the improvement of the quality of products and services and the satisfaction of end users.

The Institute's mission is to expand its activities to continue to meet the quality requirements of users and business partners, as well as to influence the population's awareness of the real possibilities and limitations of the use of herbal preparations in the preservation of health. With a long-term orientation towards ethics, excellence and success, the Institute strives to maintain a recognizable brand of its products in the country and its surroundings and continue to build a business culture in the spirit of responsibility towards the community in which it operates.