Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Beograd
Name and surname: ŽELJANA PRIJIĆ
Sector: Department for Research & Development in MAP Agriculture
Position: Sektor nauke, Odsek za poljoprivredna istraživanja i razvoj
Research title: Naučni saradnik
Email: zprijic@mocbilja.rs
She was born in Gmunden, Austria. She completed her primary and secondary school education at the Natural Science and Mathematics Gymnasium in Osijek, Croatia. In 1999, she graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Belgrade, majoring in crop and vegetable production. Her thesis was entitled: "The influence of the amount of nitrogen and the time of application on the yield of winter wheat at different sowing dates"." In the same year, she enrolled at the same university for postgraduate studies in genetics and plant breeding of field and vegetable crops.
On 23 December 2003, she successfully defended her Master's thesis entitled: "Identification of resistance genes in winter wheat against Puccinia recondita tritici" and thus obtained the title of Master of Biotechnical Sciences in the field of genetics and plant breeding.
She defended her dissertation entitled: "Non-Parasitic Foundations of Variability in Resistance Traits Against Puccinia triticina" on 23 May 2012 at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, University Novi Sad
During her postgraduate studies (1999–2002) she was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Technology. She worked as an assistant at the University of Belgrade, Department in Sombor on subjects: genetics and plant breeding for students of the Faculty of Agriculture.
From 2002 to 2012 she worked as an assistant at the Megatrend University, Faculty of Biofarming, and as a lecturer at the Higher School of Agriculture, where she conducted exercises in the following subjects: Genetics, Plant Breeding, Pest Resistance Breeding and Biodiversity and Conservation of Genetic Resources.
From 2013 to 2021, she worked at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.
Since 2021, she has been working at the Institute of Medicinal Plant Research, in the Department of Agricultural Research and Development.
Professional development
- Research fellowship training program in the United States with the University of Missouri faculty mentors in the area of Wheat Genetics and Molecular Methods of Detecting Resistance Genes organized by nobel prize laureate Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program (Borlaug Fellows Program)
- Completed an eight-month specialised course in sustainable agriculture (2007–2008) at the Agronomic Institute in Bari, Italy, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Participation in a specialised online course entitled " Invasive Fruit Tree Pests Surveillance in the Mediterranean Region " organised by the Agronomic Institute in Bari, Italy (2013).
Courses funded by the European Commission
Other training courses and seminars
- Seminar on Agricultural Production and Food Security for Countries along the Belt and Road in 2017 organized by Center of International Cooperation Service of Ministry of Agriculture in Beijing, the People's Republic of China
-Completed International Workshop ''Modern Breeding and Cultivation Technology of vegetables'' organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology the People's Republic of China, and Chinese Academy of Agricultural sciences, at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Beijing, China
Research and publications
She has participated in numerous national and international projects. She is the author of 11 manuscripts in the M21 category, with an h-index of 6 according to the SCOPUS database.
Her scientific interests include:
- Plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors.
- Genotype-environment interaction and plant-microorganism interaction.
- The influence of resistance genes on a shoot root ratio
- Collection and conservation of genetic resources of medicinal and aromatic plant species for evaluation and ex situ conservation