  • Institute “Dr Josif Pančić“ |
  • Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Beograd

  • 011/3031-650

Number/year Project name
451-03-1202 / (2021-2024) „Resource protection and efficiency utilization of the endangered functional plants originated in China and Serbia”
2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 / (2019-2023) HORIZON 2020 Conservtaion of European Biodiversity through Exploitation of Traditional Herbal Knowledge for the Development of Innovative Products
Grant 773554 / (2018-2023) EcoStack: Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity.
2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, / (2019-2023) Conservtaion of European Biodiversity through Exploitation of Traditional Herbal Knowledge for the Development of Innovative Products, EthnoHerbs
451-03-1202/2021-09: / (2020-2022) "Protection of natural resources and more efficient use of endangered functional plants originating from Serbia and China"
E!12689 / (2019-2021) “Phytopreparations-natural materials with supercritical extracts for controlled release of active components”
L/ICA/ICB/21881/19 / (2019-2021) Detection of herbs and dietary supplements fraud using metabolomics approach
15 / (2019-2020) "Non-alcoholic beverages with added value"
14 / (2019-2020) "The influence of the method of preparation of plant extracts on the transfer of heavy metals from the plant to the preparation"
13 / (2019-2020) "Improving the growing conditions of Mediterranean immortelle (Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don) in order to establish standards for obtaining high-quality essential oil and its application in medical and cosmetic preparations".
IPA II / (2019-2019) Protection observatory for regional area of medicinal plants as lively cross-border infrastructure of sustainable tourism (PORALIST),
10 / (2018-2019) "In vitro propagation and conservation of endangered species of Gentiana and Gentianella for the sustainable use of plant material and bioactive secondary metabolites"
8 / (2016-2017) "Chemical, biochemical and microbiological characterization of Vaccinium myrtillus for use in the production of functional food and dermocosmetic products"
7 / (2015-2017) EUREKA! Comprehensive processing of plant extracts for high values added products
7 / (2016-2017) "Metabolomic changes in fruits and vegetables caused by post-harvest treatments"
6 / (2016-2017) "Liposomes coated with biopolymers as new delivery systems for natural phenolic components"
5 / (2015-2017) "A new look at Serbian and Chinese species of Gentiana and Gentianella: validation of traditional use in liver diseases"
4 / (2015-2016) "Investigation of edible wild plants and weeds from organic plantations in Serbia and Slovenia as potential additional sources of food and herbal medicines"
3 / (2014-2015) "Validation of the anti-inflammatory action of plants used in European traditional medicine for chronic inflammatory diseases"
SEEERA.PLUS 135 / (2010-2013) „Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic plants traditionally used in the SEE, WB countries. A model approach for Sideritis spp. (Mountain tea) – MOUNTEA-CONSE (2010 – 2013)
(UNESCO) (2013) / (2013-2013) Innovative Approaches for Better Utilization of Local Biodiversity in SEE Based on Ethnopharmacology (UNESCO) (2013)
1 / (2010-2011) „Ispitivanje biološki aktivnih komponenti kao izvora antioksidativne aktivnosti u plodovima jabuke i crne ribizle“
17 / (2006-2007) "Comparative investigation of methods and techniques of organic MAP production in Greece and Serbia, aim to optimisation of biologicaly active compounds and/or essential oils“