Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Beograd
Name and surname: NIKOLA ĐUKIĆ
Sector: Department for Research & Development in MAP Agriculture
Position: Nučni saradnik u Odseku za poljoprivredna istraživanja i razvoj, Sektor nauke
Research title: Viši naučni saradnik
Biography (CV): Download
Email: ndjukic@mocbilja.rs
Nikola Đukić was born on June 10, 1985 in Zemun. He finished primary and secondary school in Belgrade. He enrolled in the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade in the academic year 2004/2005. He completed his studies at the Department of Plant and Food Protection in 2009 by defending his degree thesis on the topic: "Biological characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) from gourds". He enrolled in doctoral studies, module Phytomedicine (scientific field Entomology) in the academic year 2010/11. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled: "The influence of the properties of various stored plant raw materials and products on the development and behavior of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)" in 2017.
From 2011 until 2013 he was employed at the Institute for Science Application in Agriculture. From 2013 until 2024 he was employed at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, at the Department of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology. Since October 2024, he has been employed at the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr. Josif Pančić ".
From 2013 to 2024, he held practical exercises in Entomology for Fruit Science and Viticulture students and Field and Vegetable Crops Science students at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun. He also held practical exercises in the subject of General Entomology for students of Phytomedicine. During his doctoral studies, he attended a course called: "PhD course Plant Communication and Trophic Interactions: from plant behavior to sustainable cropping", held in 2015 in Ekenäs Manor, Sweden. After his doctoral studies, in 2022 he attended postdoctoral training in the field of plant-insect interactions at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. As an invited speaker he gave a lecture entitled: Alternative methods for pest control under laboratory conditions in Serbia, at the VI International Biocidal Congress, which took place in 2022 in Antalya, Turkey. He participated in the workshop: "International Training Workshop on Modern Breeding and Cultivation Techniques of Vegetables, Beijing, China", sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, held in 2023 at the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers (IVF), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( CAAS). He is a member of the Entomological Society of Serbia and the Society for Plant Protection of Serbia.
In his research, he researches harmful insect species, with a special focus on storage insects. To improve the quality and safety of stored plant raw materials and products, he investigates the susceptibility of various stored plant raw materials and products to the storage insect attack, as well as the application of various ecological alternative methods for their control, such as the use of various plant extracts and essential oils, as well as chemical substances released by the insects themselves.